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At Solutions we work


With the State, to inform new policies and strategies.


With the private company, to create new opportunities.


With civil society, to learn to integrate the services of nature in our value system.


Strategy and scenarios

We apply cutting-edge tools and processes to improve a sector, a company or a value network.


Business models
We support our clients to analyze and redefine their value propositions, work models, processes and systems.


Monitoring and evaluation

We evaluate the performance and competitiveness of programs and organizations through benchmarking and international standards.


Transitioning to an economic model that adequately values natural capital is a key challenge for society. Nature Services supported a multidisciplinary team lead by the Inter American Development Bank to develop a bioeconomy finance framework that can support the transition away from extractive economic practices in the Amazon.


By integrating value chain and landscape analysis approaches, a detailed evaluation of bioeconomy investment opportunities and finance demand was completed. This led to the report ´The Amazon Bioeconomy Fund: Unlocking private capital by valuing bioeconomy products and services with climate mitigation and adaptation results in the Amazon´, which informed a successful proposal to the Green Climate Fund.


Eliminating deforestation from agricultural supply chains is a key part of the global strategy to combat the climate crisis. This has to be achieved in parallel to maintaining or increasing agricultural productivity and improving local livelihoods. Nature Services led this national level study into the potential for deforestation-free investments in the coffee, cacao, palm oil and forestry plantation sectors in Peru, including an analysis of key actors, deforestation patterns and drivers, area prioritization, and business model development.


The work led to the publication of the report and policy briefs ´The potential to enhance deforestation free agriculture and forestry investments in the Peruvian Amazon´ by Peru´s Ministry of Environment and Norway´s International Climate Initiative NICFI.


Protected Areas (PA) are a key part of the global strategy to sustain biodiversity and make local economies resilient to the climate crisis. However, sustainable financing strategies for Protected Area systems remain elusive in many countries.


Nature Services, in coordination with the German Technical Cooperation GIZ, developed the strategy to roll down the national finance strategy of the Protected Area system of Peru (SINANPE) to individual PA strategies. Together with PA Chiefs and staff, the Nature Services team developed a methodology and a capacity building process to carry out this management exercise in all Protected Areas covering over 17 million hectares.


Natural Capital Protocol

To integrate natural capital in strategic decision processes.


Scenarios Thinking

To integrate options and uncertainty in planning.


Landscape Model Canvas

To develop business models based on  
nature services


Life Cycle Analysis

To determine the inputs and impacts of processes  
and products


Corporate Ecosystem Services Review

To assess risks and opportunities of our  
dependence on ecosystems.

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